seeing that i really need 2 update this pg, here goes nothin ->->->

heres a joke from my 1000-joke inventory (in my brain! impressive, eh?)

ok, im going to tell it in three different ways, three different talking ways:
(once again, here goes nothin)


one day this person gets pulled over on a road by a cop. so the cop goes up to the person and congratulates him for being the 1 millionth person to drive on this road with a seat belt. the cop gives him $50,000, and then tells him to step out of the car, and some professional photographers come and take his picture, to put in the newspapers or wat not. so the person steps back into his car, and the cop asks him wat he is going to do with the money he just won.

so the man dumbly says, "im going to buy a drivers license."

then, the woman next to him (his wife) says, "hes crazy when hes drunk."

So...ive gotten a request to teach u my shrthand. so heres just a few basics to start out w/.

1. first of all, never use capitals, unless adressing some1 w/ honor (i.e. God)
2. secondly, use numbers as often as possible
3. dont use apostraphes, ever
4. try not 2 use periods, unless there r 2 many run on sentences
5. always use a question mark/exclamation mark when needed, 2 emphasize something (commas are generally ok)
6. use letters instead of words (r=are, u=you) as often as possible
7. if word is 2 long, shrtened it-no official rule in my hndbk, as long as it looks like the orgnl word
8. use shrtcuts as much as possible (i.e. w/=with, w/o=without, i.e.=for example)
9. typos r ok, if u really want to change it, just add another comment correcting the word, starting with * (i.e. luky -new message- *lucky)

if u have anymore rules to suggest, drop me a comment in one of the chat rooms

do u have ur own version? drop me a copy in one of the chat rooms (just copypaste), and ill check it out! if its good enough, i might even post it up on my blog, or on this random pg! good luck! so bored im just going to write shorthand...

wow im so bored that im making this pg for no apprnt reason,,,,,and btw if u dont understand my shrthand, then its prob bcause i made up some sigh im bored watev.

here u go *round of applause*:::::::: random screenname *sigh*
(oh 1 more thing: i dont feel like upercasing on these names, so here u go:  )

1. shadowknight77
2. icewing
3. alphako
4. trojan
5. spacetucker
6. eaglewarrior
7. swanwarrior
8. MarineFire
9. WindSlayer
10. VridianFire
11. FrostFire
12. windgrinder
13. wingedorca
14. supremelionwarrior
15. wingedtiger
16. flamewing
17. icesword
18. ihavenolifewatsoevercauseimactuallyusingthisusername

idk y i even made this pg. yeah i know stupid eh?

watev. have  a nice day...

and other staff members who r also bored
status: 2 lzy 2 even post an animal pic like he usually does...